Procvičte si na internetu své znalosti angličtiny

Vyzkoušejte si, třeba jen v naší ukázce testu pro pokročilé, jak zdatní jste v anglickém jazyce.
1. Which doctor is working

a) The doctor noticed me
b) The doctor observed me
c) The doctor saw me
d) The doctor watched me
e) The doctor examined me

2. Which word does not go with all the others

a) an escalator
b) to rise
c) to sit
d) a staircase
e) to stand

3. If a piece of work is unavoidable, it must be done sooner or

a) at last
b) eventually
c) later
d) finally
e) in the long run

4. Wise is to unwise as visible is to

a) unvisible
b) nonvisible
c) imvisible
d) invisible
e) disvisible

5. Which of these is wrong

a) In my opinion, you are right.
b) In my view, you are right.
c) To my thought, you are right.
d) I have an idea that you are right.
e) My belief is that you are right.

6. If a friend says he can put you up, he means he can

a) lift you
b) give you a lift
c) give you an air ticket
d) lend you a ladder
e) offer you somewhere to sleep

7. All these are colours, but which is also the name of a flower

a) purple
b) violet
c) orange
d) grey
e) scarlet

8. Which man is often called a skipper

a) a train driver
b) a chauffeur
c) a ship's captain
d) a controller
e) a guide

9. We talk about a range of

a) rivers
b) fields
c) mountains
d) forests
e) lakes

10. Your instep is part of

a) your hand
b) your arm
c) your body
d) your leg
e) your foot

11. Which of these houses has no

a) a bungalow
b) a detached house
c) a semi-detached house
d) a terraced house
e) a mansion

12. Daybreak means

a) a day's holiday
b) a midday snack
c) dawn
d) sunset
e) the day you retire from work

13. The life hereafter means

a) the future
b) the life after death
c) destiny
d) the next generation
e) tomorrow

14. Which does a man stand to give a sermon

a) on the street corner
b) in a lecture room
c) in a pulpit
d) on a soap-box
e) on a stage

15. Which word does not go with all the others

a) dictionary
b) words
c) to look up
d) to look down
e) alphabetical

Správné odpovědi: 1. e; 2. c; 3. c; 4. d; 5. c; 6. e; 7. b;8. c; 9. c; 10. e; 11. a; 12. c; 13. b;14. c; 15. d

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