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Ukázka z testu pro mírně pokročilé:

1. Where do you see an announcer?

a) on television
b) in a newspaper office
c) in a factory
d) in a solicitor's office
e) in a college

2. What is opposite of to lend?

a) to buy b) to sell
c) to steal
d) to borrow
e) to give

3. Which word means silly?

a) to laugh
b) foolish
c) untrue
d) intelligent
e) clever

4. Which word does not go with all the others?

a) a pool
b) to swim
c) water
d) wet
e) a cup

5. You can use a brush to do all these things, except one.

a) tidy your hair
b) clean your teeth
c/ mend a sock
d/ clean the floor
e/ paint a door

6. Which word does not go with all others?

a) a knife b) empty
c) a blade
d) to cut
e) sharp

7. Beef is meat from

a) a sheep
b) a chicken
c) a horse
d) a pig
e) a cow

8. Which of these is fastest?

a) a bicycle
b) a car
c) a boat
d) a train
e) a plane

9. When a child calls Daddy, he wants his

a) grandfather
b) sister
c) father
d) brother
e) mother

10. When an aeroplane leaves the ground it

a) takes up
b) takes away
c) takes on
d) takes above
e) takes off

11. Which word does not go with all the others?

a) restaurant
b) to eat
c) food
d) a waiter
e) happy

Správné odpovědi: 1. a; 2 d; 3. b; 4. e; 5. c; 6. b; 7. e; 8. e; 9. c; 10. e; 11. e

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