Vyzkoušejte si znalosti angličtiny na internetu

Jaká si myslíte, že je vaše úroveň anglického jazyka? Vyzkoušejte si své znalosti rychle a snadno na internetu. Nabízíme vám nyní ukázku testu pro mírně pokročilé.
1. Which insect dives honey?

a) a bee
b) an ant
c) a mosquito
d) a butterfly
e) a wasp

2. Son is to daughter as nephew is to

a) niece
b) sister
c) daughter
d) aunt
e) grandmother

3. Which word does not go with all the others?

a) to sell
b) a shop
c) a customer
d) an assistant
e) aid

4. Which of these means immediately?

a) presently
b) before long
c) shortly
d) soon
e) at once

5. Which of these is biggest?

a) a field
b) a country
c) a village
d) a city
e) a town

6. A policeman is an ______of the law.

a) office
b) official
c) unofficial
d) officer
e) offices

7. Wee say one sheep, but two

a) sheep's
b) sheep
c) sheeps
d) sheepen
e) sheeps'

8. What is opposite of new?

a) ancient
b) old
c) worn out
d) adult

9. A date is a certain day of a certain month. It can also be

a) an address on a letter
b) a fruit
c) a song
d) a hat
e) a gift

10. Which word does not go with all the others?

a) a bath
b) a shower
c) rain
d) to fall
e) a mackintosh

11. Which means hurrying?

a) on the move
b) making a move
c) moving in
d) moving up
e) getting a move on

12. Which comes just before night?

a) evening
b) black
c) afternoon
d) day
e) morning

13. Which of these is soft?

a) rock
b) ice
c) metal
d) wood
e) fur

14. All these are games, which is not a ball game?

a) football
b) tennis
c) hockey
d) badminton
e) rugby

Správné odpovědi: 1a, 2a, 3e, 4e, 5b, 6d, 7b, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11e, 12a, 13e, 14d

Pokračování a další testy najdete na internetové adrese www.pavlatova.cz/testy