Zkouškám z jazyků se nevyhneme

Evropa si chce porozumět, proto se tak těžko hledá zaměstnání bez znalosti západních jazyků. Ministerstvo vnitra už připravilo návrh systémů jazykových zkoušek státních úředníků. Kdy dojde i na ostatní? Odborníci se přou o to, jestli opravdu výrazně zaostáváme za jazykovým umem zemí Evropské unie. Shodují se však, že školní výuce jazyků se v České republice nevěnuje dostatek času. Například žáci osmých tříd se jim učí o šedesát hodin za rok méně než jejich vrstevníci v zemích EU. Učitelé navíc nejsou dostatečně kvalifikovaní. Nezbývá tedy než vzít věc do vlastních rukou. Mezery ve vědomostech nám pomohou hledat i nejrůznější testovací příručky, mimo jiné Testy ze všeobecných znalostí 2000 pro zájemce o studium na čtyřletých středních školách z nakladatelství Didaktis. Své vědomosti si mohou vyzkoušet nejen budoucí gymnazisté.

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

a) I __ at seven o'clock every day. (get up)
b) He __ the guitar at the moment. (play)
c) Sorry, she __ a shower now. (have)
d) We __ to Prague tomorrow. (go)
e) Our aunt __ us last week. (visit)
f) They __ next Saturday. (leave)
g) Excuse me. You __ on my seat. (sit)
h) My brother __ TV every afternoon. (watch)

2. Make these sentences negative:

a) I'm going to school.
b) Sue lives in this street.
c) We will help them.
d) Students did their homework in the evening.
e) Mark and Kate are good friends.
f) They left yesterday.

3. Rewrite this text in past tense:

I get up at seven. Then I have a shower. I come to school at eight. Our lessons finish at half past one. I arrive home at three. I meet my friends. I write a letter and watch TV in the evening. I go to bed at ten.

4. Turn these statements into questions.

a) Joe lives in Prague.
b) You're going to the shops.
c) I can help you.
d) You were a Tina Turner fan.
e) She gave me a nice present.
f) He finished his work at noon.

5. Complete these sentences with the comparative of the superlative of the adjectives in brackets:

a) Lucy is __ than me. (tall)
b) I think Mary is __ than Jackie. (attractive)
c) Frank is the __ boy in our class. (clever)
d) This is my __ friend. (good)
e) It must be __ suit in the shop.(expensive)

6. Look at the answers. Write the questions to complete the dialogue:

a) __ ?- Mary Parker.
b) __ ?- Sixteen.
c) __ ?- 6th October.
d) __ ?- In London.
e) __ ?- 26 Oxford Street, London.
f) __ ?- 875 692.

Správné řešení

1. a) get up b) is playing c) is having d) are going e) visited f) are leaving g) are sitting h) watches

2. a) I am not going to school. b) Sue doesn't live in this street. c) We won't help them. d) Students didn't do their homework in the evening. e) Mark and Kate aren't good friends. f) They didn't leave yesterday.

3. I got up at seven. Then I had a shower. I came to school at eight. Our lessons finished at half past one. I arrived home at three. I met my friends. I wrote a letter and watched TV in the evening. I went to bed at ten.

4. a) Does Joe live in Prague? b) Are you going to the shops? c) Can I help you? d) Were you a Tina Turner fan? e) Did she give me a nice present? f) Did he finish his work at noon?

5. a) taller b) more attractive c) cleverest d) best e) the most expensive

6. a) What's your name? b) How old are you? c) When were you born? d) Where were you born? e) What's your address? f) What's your telephone number?